
Like most other websites we uses cookies to help make our service secure, useful and easy-to-use. Cookies are small text files which are stored on your computer and are frequently used to improve your experience of using a website, such as helping to remember settings and measuring usage of a website so that it can be improved to meet your needs. You are free to manage and delete cookies as you wish and a how-to guide can be found here.

The cookies we store contain non-identifiable information only and are not used to identify you personally.

Specifically we use cookies to assist with:

  • Functionality — Remembering information and processing payments when making a purchase.
  • Analytics — Measuring how people use the website.

Functionality cookies

rack.sessionBase64-encoded dataRemembering information when you are making a purchaseWhen you close your browser
__stripe_midRandom stringProcessing card payments10 minutes
__stripe_sidRandom stringProcessing card payments30 minutes

Analytics cookies

_gaRandom stringUsed by Google Analytics2 years
_gidRandom stringUsed by Google Analytics24 hours
_gatIntegerUsed by Google Analytics10 minutes
_ga_{random value}Random stringUsed by Google Analytics2 years